Saturday 1 March 2014

Cancer Awareness Talk By Dr.Thomas Varughese

An awareness program on prevention and early  detection  of Cancer , for the students of  Bhavan’s Public School was organised on 23rd February 2014.The resource person  was the  eminent  Dr.Thomas Varughese from India ,a  specialist with  25 years  of  experience  as a cancer  specialist  , surgical and cosmetic oncologist. 
He  is  also  the inventor of Drain less approach in  conservative mastectomy (Thomas technique) and also  received  several  awards  for the  same. The program started with a prayer and the Principal welcomed the resource person and the gathering. Mr.A.P.Manikantan , Vice president delivered the presidential  address.Dr.Thomas  focused  on  how  with  better life  style  which   includes  food , good habits and work out can  prevent  cancer .He  also  stressed that  onset  of  cancer  is  not the  end  of  life  and   current   advanced  technology gives  lot  of  room   for treatment  which  have  lesser   side  effects and   one  can  lead  a  normal  life  with the early  detection and  treatment of  cancer .The  entire  session  was  very  interactive and  informative for the  children  and the  teachers.


The 4th  Annual  day  of  Bhavan’s  public  school  was  celebrated at  wakra  sports  club on 7th of February 2014.The KG unfolded the pages of classic  books like  Jungle  Book, Arabian  Nights and Fairy  Tales. The KG students depicted the theme with zeal and zest and carried the audience to their childhood lanes and memories bringing out the theme “BOOKS,OUR COMPANION”.
The primary  section  portrayed the  concept  of  Time  Machine and its  journey  from stone age to the Robotic  space for a young  child of today’s generation. The  whole  programe was fused together with an  aid of  a Time  Machine an d  the  conversation  between a curios  child. 

The journey had the color and hue of different eras peeping into the history of each age and its distinct features.  
The Stone Age was depicted  with various colourful dances  like  Peacock, Tribal and Harvest  dances. The transition  from  stone  age to  Nomadic  period  was showcased  with Gypsy  dance  and  Fishermen dance.
The Medieval period had witnessed the revival of art, literature and music. The journey dwelled on today’s Qatar and fad culture of current generation. The Time Machine also peeped in to the Robotic age and finally the program ended with the message of   peace and universal brotherhood.
The program was formally inaugurated by Sri.Santhana Gopala Iyer, Director, Central Bhavans as the Chief Guest. Mr.PN Baburajan, General Secretary, welcomed the gathering and the Acting Chairman of Bhavan’s, Mr.J.K. Menon, Acting Chairman of the school,p resided over the function.Principal Mr.V.L Balasubramanian, presented the annual report of the school highlighting the curricular and co-curricular activities and other laurels of the school won by the students in interschool competition during the academic year.
The school magazine ‘Mirror’ 2014, the curriculum plan for the next academic year and the academic calendar were released on the occasion. Prizes were distributed to the outstanding achievers of the year and board of directors felicitated the guests. The other dignitaries who graced the occasion were  
Lt.Fadal Al Saada,officer community  policing. Mr.Abdul Manam, Manager, Al Wakra club. and  Mrs.Prabhavathi Nambiar proposed the vote of thanks.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Fourth Harvest- Vegetable Garden Season-II

The fourth Harvest from Bhavan’s Vegetable Garden Season II took place on 13/5/2013 at Matar Qadeem campus. The harvest was done by Dr. G. Manulal, Principal, Bhps, Mrs. Prabhavathy Nambiar, Headmistress, Academic and activity coordinators, students, teachers and Eco club members. Followed by season- I, the school Eco Club members took initiative and planted a variety of vegetables in their garden. The Principal appreciated the effort taken by the school  Eco Club members on this occasion and reminded them to take extra care of the plants due to the present weather conditions. The students were excited to pluck the vegetables . The vegetables harvested were Cucumber, ladies finger, Brinjal, Tomato, Bitter Gourd, Bottle gourd, Green chillies, blue chillies, white chillies, capsicum, Beans, Tur dal beans. The vegetable Garden Season II is the continuity of the first Eco School Project “Vegetable Garden at School”  of Doha Bank and UNESCO for which the school was awarded a green star.

5th Science Research Fair by Supreme Education Council

Bhavan’s Public School participated in the 5th science research fair organized by Supreme Educational Council, Qatar on 8th, 9th and 10th of April 2013. The topics for research were -         
1. Recycling of kitchen waste from a multi storeyed apartment in Qatar,
2. A study on the prevalence of obesity based on eating habits and life style of school students.
The students presented  their projects with charts and powerpoint presentation. The participants were Joshua George – VIII A, Priyadharshini – VIII A, Devadath – IX A, Sinu Philip – VII A and Ayesha Sajid – IX A. Students of various schools from Qatar participated in the fair. The research projects brought awareness about healthy eating habits and to make use of bio-degradable waste. The contents of the projects were well explained by the students to the visitors and they received good appreciation from them. On the second day 30 students of Bhavan’s Public School (class VIII and IX) visited the fair and it enriched their minds with novel ideas

Thursday 12 July 2012


           “Pass 2012”

        P- Physical development

         A- Artistic development

        S-Social development

        S-Safety and security skills


R.O. ABDUL KHADER (Vice-Chairman,Bhavans,Qatar), J.K.MENON (Acting chairman,Bhavan's,Qatar),Smt.SUMAN SHARMA  (2nd Secretary,Indian Embassy),
SALEEM PONNAMBATH(President,Bhavan's Qatar)

                                             OUR GUEST OF HONOUR:                               
                              Smt.SUMAN SHARMA  (2nd Secretary,Indian Embassy),

                                               PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS
                                   SALEEM PONNAMBATH(President,Bhavan's Qatar)

J.K.MENON (Acting chairman,Bhavan's,Qatar),

Dr.G.MANULAL (Principal,Bhavan's,Qatar)

SUPRIYA (Dance Teacher,Bhavan's,Qatar)