Saturday 1 March 2014

Cancer Awareness Talk By Dr.Thomas Varughese

An awareness program on prevention and early  detection  of Cancer , for the students of  Bhavan’s Public School was organised on 23rd February 2014.The resource person  was the  eminent  Dr.Thomas Varughese from India ,a  specialist with  25 years  of  experience  as a cancer  specialist  , surgical and cosmetic oncologist. 
He  is  also  the inventor of Drain less approach in  conservative mastectomy (Thomas technique) and also  received  several  awards  for the  same. The program started with a prayer and the Principal welcomed the resource person and the gathering. Mr.A.P.Manikantan , Vice president delivered the presidential  address.Dr.Thomas  focused  on  how  with  better life  style  which   includes  food , good habits and work out can  prevent  cancer .He  also  stressed that  onset  of  cancer  is  not the  end  of  life  and   current   advanced  technology gives  lot  of  room   for treatment  which  have  lesser   side  effects and   one  can  lead  a  normal  life  with the early  detection and  treatment of  cancer .The  entire  session  was  very  interactive and  informative for the  children  and the  teachers.

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